Work is a Four-Letter Word

Pastel Artwork

It’s Tuesday… the usual work day and I feel a bit lazy today… It’s like one of those days where conceptualizing a design and layout takes lightyears to reach my brain…

I love my work… I like designing and the art of doing it… Doing UI Concepts, Logos and other image stuff…

But I also have down times where I struggle to justify forcing my mind to come up with something to fill up my task board… I guess I need to get a breather and relax so that new ideas will pass by…

I was thinkin… maybe because i’m a bit tired of the daily routine lately… I wasn’t able to squeeze in some normal game time these past few days…

Or could be my current task revolves around an environment which is a bit hard to comprehend in terms of layout and design… Im talking about… PowerApps…

It’s a challenge for me doing UI artwork inside the app… Its features are quite limited and the canvass is a bit annoying at times… But… There’s also that feeling of accomplishment when you get things done….

Anyway… that’s it for the moment…

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